Saturday, February 11, 2012

If I pull bulbs out, for winter, Will they dehydrate, rot?

I've pull 16 bulbs out of a pot cuz

1. They broke the pot

2. 16 bulbs on a 35cm (13 in) diameter pot, U figure

They are the big kinda bulbs

but I was wondering if they could dehydrate or rot, or use their reserves and then not flower next spring

Wat should I do, replant them or store them?

If I pull bulbs out, for winter, Will they dehydrate, rot?
They should remain dormant during the cold winter, so they will not use up their reserves. If you keep them dry, they should not rot.

Just put them back into another pot or the ground. They should do fine. If the ground is frozen now, keep them in a dry dark place, and then put them in when the ground thaws in the spring.
Reply:What kind of bulbs are they? Indoor or out? If indoor--preplant/repot as soon as possible. If outdoor, you have a couple of choices...If you have not had a hard freeze yet, the bulbs can be placed in ground with out worry. If your frost has already arrived--place in a paper bag with either SLIGHTLY moistened newspaper or sawdust until your frost season is over. Then plant as you like depending on the variety.
Reply:i would repot them and then keep them in a basement or garage. if left out in the aiprotection they may not rot but will dehydrate and die.

If it is at at all possible i would try to get them in the ground and not worry too much about the display. plant them and then water them well and bid them goodnight for the winter.

Depending on what kind of bulbs they are I have heard of people using a hair dryer to defrost the ground long enough to loosen enough soil but that is a bit extreme
Reply:If your ground is not yet frozen dig up a patch down to 6inches put the bulbs about 6"apart and add some compost and mulch and cover with earth and more mulch on top. This Spring will bring beautifull blooms!
Reply:depends on what kind of flower or plant-tuberous root or tulip type bulb?i store hundreds of dahlia bulbs(tuberous roots) by individually wrapping in cellophane then storing i a Styrofoam cooler at 45 degrees.

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