Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Anyone allergic to Spring?

Do you know what plants your allergic to ! I'm allergic to pollen but I'm told one's not usually allergic to the larger flowers. I'm wondering what's in my yard that's bothering me so much..When I go to others houses...not so bad !!

Wondering what triggers do you sneezers out there have....

Please name the plants if you know them....


The snot-sneezey-itchy nosed SmileyCat : )

Anyone allergic to Spring?
When your talking about seasonal alergies there can be a host of things involved, not just with pollen either. You could have a alergic reaction to grass, certain weeds, do you plant a lot or do any flower or vegetable gardening? If yes, you could be alergic to the type of ground or nutrients or chemicals you put in your gardens such as lime or weed killers. Do you have a thistle? or milk weed? Some people are alergic to those. But to really know what you are alergic to I suggest you go see your doctor and tell him or her what your symptoms are and perhaps your doctor will run some alergy tests on you. You can speculate all you want too on what causes your eyes to water and nose to run and makes you sneeze, but to trully find out more info. you must see your doctor. Then your doctor can recommend which alergy medication you should be on. Good luck and I hope I was of some help to you!
Reply:Hello, SmileyCat!!!

Luckily I′m not allergic to plants, but instead during the winter (and we have a loooooooooong winter here) I get eczema on my hands :(
Reply:no, just lawn mowing, you must have a willow tree??
Reply:I'm allergic to cotton gin dust from dec thu march

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