Wednesday, February 15, 2012

What signs do you see in nature which would support a belief in reincarnation?

I look at my garden coming to life every spring. I know that there is still life under the ground even when everything is frozen, but it still seems miraculous to see the peonies pushing out their shoots again when they died back to the ground last fall. These are the same plants, but the leaves and flowers will be all new.

What signs do you see in nature which would support a belief in reincarnation?
Unlike the other answerer's,I agree with you and have had the same thoughts myself.Everything in nature is a cycle.If you could say winter is like death,there is no question that spring will be coming.It's not dead,it's just in a temporary state of dormancy,but the leaves and the flowers will return.I do believe we return to learn different lessons each time.I'll never understand how people find this a foolish concept,it makes sense on so many levels.I'm not a religious person,I'm agnostic,and I do believe that reincarnation can exist whether there is a god or not.
Reply:Nature recycles and reuses all things. Why would the most important, the human soul, not be included. Hence: Reincarnation.
Reply:The "born again" theme is popular in most cultures this time of year. Even Easter, a currenty Christian holiday, is based on pagan beliefs of rebirth. But no, I do not see any evidence in nature that a distinct soul moves from the newly dead to the newly born.
Reply:The Dalai Lama

Reply:None whatsoever.

If plants growing seems "miraculous" to you, I would suggest taking a biology class - it's not a miracle; it's perfectly natural.
Reply:Pascha...Maybe not reincarnation...maybe resurrection!!!
Reply:Flowers don't reincarnate in the same way that bears don't die during the winter and reincarnate in the spring. The flowers are simply hibernating. Relax.

Reincarnation is an illusion created by human society as a means to control the masses. Religious people are promised reincarnation if they follow the rules of the religion.

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