Monday, February 13, 2012

How do you cut violets, NOT african violets?

I planted some violets towards the end of last spring and now they are starting to flower. I cut a couple to bring inside and they just shriveled up and died. Is there a trick to cutting these flowers? I just love the smell of violets.

How do you cut violets, NOT african violets?
First you have to make the vase suitable for placing the cut flowers in it. Put the bunch aside in a temporary container and wash carefully the vase in water with household bleach. Fill the vase with fresh water and pour half a teaspoon household bleach for each litre of water.

After you have cleaned the vase, it is time to take care of the cut flowers before you put them in it. You need to remove all the leaves which will show below the waterline of the filled-up vase, because otherwise they will start rotting in the water and will make it foul. Before putting the cut flowers in the water, you should remove about 20 mm from the base of each stem. After you do it, immediately place the cut flowers in the water- that will remove any air bubbles.

The last thing you have to bear in mind is to take daily care of the flowers. Put fresh water in the vase every day. Keep the bunch away from heaters, or any other electricity device, such as TV sets and computers. Cut flowers will look as vivid as possible if you place them away from direct sunlight or drafts. Another thing to be taken into account is fruit. The vase shouldn’t be close to fruit, because of the fruit midges and little flies that can ruin the delicate flowers.

If you keep these tips in mind, you may preserve the fresh look of your cut flowers for over two weeks.


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