Saturday, February 11, 2012

I need ideas for some colorful shrubs or flowers!?

In the Spring we'd like to put in a few colorful- hopefully colorful throughout the 4 Seasons in WI- shrubs or whatever. They will be planted in the front of the house somewhat under a Crab Apple Tree. They don't have to be too large, and can be of different types. This is in the front of our house which is light grey in color. We have a hedge behind the crab apple tree, and one other low shrub- I think it's called a Juniper? Any ideas? Thank you!!

I need ideas for some colorful shrubs or flowers!?
I recomend checking with your local nursery / garden center first to find out what plants will grow in your area! Most zones accept some type of Barberry bush they are burgundy in color and are easly maintained they give you color all year! Another great shrub is Eyuonomus ( i think that is the proper spelling) They are low to the ground and have yellow/ green to white grey leafs and thay are also easily maintained. You can never go wrong with junipers....unless you get the carpet kind...look into Blue Star Junippers you never have to trim them and they reach 2'x3' in size. As for flowers ...i highly recomend lilies...which are perennials and are available in many different colors and will come up year after year and give you a burst of color. Aslo go to a garden center and research Bulbs that you can plant this fall. All bulbs bloom at different times like tulips, daffodils, crocus ...ect. i am sure you will find something you will like. I wish you luck and i hope i was somewhat helpful!
Reply:Thank you for choosing my answer as best! I truly hope i was helpful! Take care and good luck with your landscaping! Report It
Reply:Try a golden mound lantana.
Reply:I personally like lilacs, rose of sharon, and sumac. Check with a nursery near you about what they recommend for your area, soil and how much sunlight the plants will get.

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