Tuesday, February 7, 2012

How do you take care of a small orange tree?

I have a small orange tree in my front yard that needs help. It gets partial sunlight and is about 4 feet tall. It had a few flowers this spring, but hasn't yet produced any fruit. How much water should I give it and how often? Any other tips for taking care of it? I live in Arizona. Thanks!!

How do you take care of a small orange tree?
Try increasing the sunlight, ie prune surrounding trees. Mulch well around the plant, out past the drip line. Fertilise with well composted animal manure. Supplement with a citrus food from your garden centre. Plant a couple more to help with pollination. Deep infrequent watering is better with drip irrigation. Remove flowers for the first few seasons. Also light feeds of iron (Fe), Magnesium (Mg) , to keep good colour.
Reply:Citrus trees require at least six hours of sunlight for adequate survival. Futhermore, contrary to popular belief citrus do not require constant watering as I've learned from growing the dozen trees that I have.These trees tend to produce sweeter fruits when watered infrequently like once every week to week and ahalf in the winter months to just twice a week in the summer time.

Additionally, in order for your tree to produce fruit you will need to have a different type of citrus tree nearby yours in order for these trees to cross-polenate one another. I hope theese tips can be of use to you. Good luck!
Reply:I needs to have another fruit tree around to pollinate for the bees,,,, Good Luck
Reply:dont really know, but i DO know when its a few years old and you can run over a dead branch with your car ending up with lots of flat tires. heck you could use a branch to kill someone or something with. those things are dangerous.
Reply:you chop it down. problem solved.

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