Tuesday, February 7, 2012

How can i find out what kind of tree is in my yard?

I live in Maine. The tree is about two stories high, right next to the house, so I am guessing it is maybe not a "local forest tree" of such. Anyways, there are no leaves on it right now, but in the last few days, there have been growing some white/grey bulbs at the ends of the branches (looks kinda like a q-tip) Are these going to be flowers this spring. I hope so. Any clue to what type of tree it is or how I can find out?

How can i find out what kind of tree is in my yard?
You can go online to your local Extension center. If you could describe more about the bark, alternating or opposite leaf buds, lenticel formation, I could help you. This tree could be one of many, but it sounds as though it may be a Dogwood(?)

This stage is called the "Silver Bud Stage" in many trees and Woody Ornamentals, this happens right before the "Green Bud Stage" These are your leaf buds.
Reply:Those are the leaves getting ready to open.

I guess you are going to have to wait and see what kind it is.

Or you could ask a next door neighbor who has been there a year what tree it is
Reply:Take one of the tips to a local nursery and ask. Sounds like a cottonwood


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