Saturday, February 11, 2012

When do you think Morining Glory seeds sell the best?

I don't know when morning glory seeds sell the best... is it in spring when everyone plants flowers or is it some other time that is better to sell them? I already ready have a bag that has more than 100 seeds from the past 2 years that I want to keep, but I now have 2 morning glory plants that are very soon going to have a ton of seeds to harvest and I don't need them and I don't want to waste them so I want to make a few extra change selling them. When is the best time?

When do you think Morining Glory seeds sell the best?
In the spring, when people's minds turn to planting. The correct planting time, of course, depends on your USDA zone which has to do with the coldest average annual temperature in that area.

Morning glory seeds, as another poster suggested, may be difficult to sell if you are an individual. In the purchaser's opinion, you cannot guarantee the colors and whether the seeds are viable. Some people find morning glories, with their enthusiastic self-seeding, to be a nuisance.

I collected a gallon jar of morning glory seeds from my plants last year and I gave them away to my coworkers/students.
Reply:Are you sure you can sell them?

Morning glory seeds are not only cheap, but they are considered a pest because they are so invasive.
Reply:I'd sell them in spring, because thats usually when people buy all there seeds.
Reply:I would think spring or fall would be a good time to sell them since you can plant them at either time as well. As a matter of fact you can sell them anytime you like just be sure to include planting instructions as to when and how. Make sure you include in your instructions about nicking them and soaking them in water before planting them.

Good Luck

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