Saturday, February 11, 2012

When can I move perennials and flowering shrubs?

I planted a flower bed up this spring, but now am begining to notice that some of the flowering shrubs are getting quite large and hiding some of the perennials behind them. Also it seems to be getting a bit overcrowded, so I thought I would make the bed a bit bigger and move everything, but dont know when the best time is to do this. I live in the UK.

When can I move perennials and flowering shrubs?
Move plants and shrubs almost anytime, your better off when dormant but i have done it in July. dig as large of a ball as you can keeping the dirt and roots in tact. (an old shirt works good,like the burlap on plant balls) Do this on a cooler CLOUDY day. Have the hole ready. Get some Fish emulsion

it works wonders on transplant stress. If possible shade plants slightly for the next few days from harsh sun. Keep well watered. Some plants will look a little sad at first but usually bounce back, some even die off and put energy back into the roots and thrive next season
Reply:Don't move them if they're flowering or budding. Any other time is ok. Wait till the blooms die off and then move.
Reply:If the bed is really sunny don't move them now, they will shrivel. I would cut back the leaves of the shrubs (this won't hurt them) to let light to the perennials and move them in October.
Reply:You can move shrubs and perennials whenever you want to. Just make sure you water them in well once they are moved and keep an eye on them, because they are necessarily going to experience some trauma when they are transplanted.


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