Saturday, February 11, 2012

What is this plant and why does it always collapse after blooming?

I have this plant in my garden and it bloomed in spring/early summer. The flowers are lovely blue/violet. but soon after the blooming, the foliage seems to collapse like this:

It's not supposed to collapse like this, right? What should I do with it? Thanks.

What is this plant and why does it always collapse after blooming?
I have these bulbs in my garden too. I don't understand why they do this. I had forgotten the name of it and been meaning to look it up and I found this:

Is this what the flowers looked like? Of course this site sells bulbs so theirs would look
Reply:I'm not quite sure what it is; it may be among those plants that come up, flower, set seed, and die back. If that's the case, then it's behaving normally. I'm basing my guesses on its grass-like appearance, and some resemblance to daylillies. For most plants, if you remove spent blossoms before they can set seed, you will keep the plant in its flowering stage of growth longer (seed pods produce hormones that effectively tell the plant that it's done its job, and that it can rest now). All I can say for sure is that it's a flowering monocot that looks a little like a day-lily, and go from there.
Reply:I really couldn't tell what type of flower it is but the leaves look like in could have been a Japanese lily. They have white,blue and yellow ones avlb. With all of my Lillie's, once they go by I tie the leaves into a loose knot and let them turn brown and then cut them off about 2-3 inches from the ground. They are periennials and will come back every year.
Reply:It looks like transandensia--spider wort--the foliage always flops, if you cut the pods off after they have all opened it will bloom more often.
Reply:Yes it is a lilly, don't no what type, go to google and hit images, there you can go thru and find the flower and name. When the flower dies off dead head it (cut if off) at the base and more will grow, when the fall over too, just the way they are. good luck.
Reply:It looks like it is some type of bulb/lily. Shortly after it blooms just tie the leaves together until they start to die. Then you can usually just cut them off, and they will come back the next year to bloom again. And the cycle starts all over again. Hope that's helpful!
Reply:Looks like Deites of sorts (Iris). The wild varieties do exactly the same thing.
Reply:Looks like Japanese Irises to me. This time of year they should be starting to die back but normally they shouldn't get like that unless they are not getting enough sun. MHO

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