Friday, February 3, 2012

Waterloss from the plant leaves stem flowers or roots to the air is called:?





In general, infrequent, thorough watering produces a deep plant root system. T or F?

The best time to use sprinklers, to water your lawn, is in the late evening. T or F?

The best time to use a spinkler system is during the hottest part of a summer day. T or F?

Basin or Berm irrigation is normally used on older established trees. T or F?

Sprinkler irrigation is best used on a steep slope. T or F?

Sprinkler irrigation is best used when the wind is blowing strongly. T or F?

Which ones from the following list are conditions that decrease watering requirments. older, established, mature trees

B.a newly planted, young tree

C.trees growing in sandly soils

D.trees growing on deep loam soils

E.Trees growing in a grove

F.Single tree in an area by itself

G.2 to 4 inches of mulch used around a tree mulch used

I. hot summer tempertaures spring or fall temps

K.trees in late spring

L.trees in mid winter

Waterloss from the plant leaves stem flowers or roots to the air is called:?
No. 1 is B. 2-T,3-F,4-F,5-F,6-T,7-F,8 is A,D,F.G,J,L.
Reply:Water loss: C

! F infrequent watering, fibrous root system

2) F Morning for sprinklers

3)F dont water during hottest part of day



6)F lose too much water

Decrease water for older trees. A, D, G, L, J
Reply:do your own home work.
Reply:What did you do, take a sick day to finish your homework? It took me 50 yrs. to learn some of these answers. I have mixxed feelings about doing this but in my day I would do my homework at the kitchen table so I could ask Mom while she cooked supper (geese I just made myself feel really OLD). At least you had to type all these questions, a good learning technique in itself. Now that you've heard all my grousing, here goes -- B, T, (I could argue this one either way, true it uses less water but it promotes fungal diseases) F, (? basin is for young trees, berms are used for terracing hillside plantings), T, F, A, D,(E%26amp;F a single grove tree will use more water than a sole tree, on a hot day the grove tree will benifit from the cool shaded micro climate and "transpiration" will be greater than the sole tree whos stomas close to conserve water but your teacher would probably disagree),G, J and L.

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