Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Spring plants?

i want to start planting for this spring, i am wondering what plants and flowers i should get...i already have a little fir tree growing and some ivy that's spread all over the place...i want to add some nice colours and aroma's this year, i already have some huge lavender bushes which are my fave ...any suggestions on what i should plant? ....thankyou in advance

Spring plants?
It does depend on the aspect of your garden, what the soil is like etc, but Rosemary is a hardy evergreen that smells nice, is culinary and slugs hate it. Jasmine is also a sweet-smelling creeper that's very low maintenance. When the ground is a little softer and the worst of the winter's over, plant some tulips- they come in so many beautiful colours! I use this site-

http://www.bbc.co.uk/gardening it's excellent for researching plants and you can design your own virtual garden when it's just too chilly outdoors!

By the way, don't forget to cut that Ivy back- I left mine last year and it's totally taking over!

Maybe look into permaculture too? http://www.permaculture.org.uk
Reply:Bulbs although they should have been put in late last year.
Reply:It depends on what part of the country you live in , go see someone at a plant nursery and they can guide you
Reply:you may still find wallflowers available ,they are usually very nicely scented.some of the early violas and violets are perfumed also.
Reply:if I could help I would but this woman has no green fingers I can keep flowers for ever in a vase but plants forget it they die on me all I know is pansies look nice lol
Reply:It's a little early for planting yet but Lily bulbs are so easy and give fantastic perfume. The flowers last for a long time as well.

Penstemons are very easy, they are in flower for a very long time but cannot deliver on the perfume front.

Nicotiana are heavily perfumed but are annuals, you would have to sow them every year.

Phlox is very easy, flowers for a long time and has a good perfume.

Find out if you have a good nursery near you. I don't mean a garden centre. You should get a better choice and good advice from a nurseryman...or woman!
Reply:Go with some primroses dotted amongst the ivy for this year,then next autumn,plant some daffodils and bluebells.You could try planting them now but depending where you live,it's probably too late for next spring
Reply:Seeing as the weather is mild, or so it has been the last couple of days you may get away with popping in some bulbs...but they may be no shows or poor specimens...simple things like snow drops and crocuses and Daffodils are good for the spring ..although none give off much of a scent. Be careful with your ivy it can run wild and smother other plants.
Reply:Grow plants by seed,you can grow them outside April onwards. I choose colourful plants like asters, delphiniums and viburnum. Seeds are a lot cheaper than buying plants, and they do grow very quickly. You also end up with lots of plants. Start buying your seeds now ready to set.
Reply:Pansies and Sweet Peas tatts. Really envy you with your Lavender bushes.
Reply:I'd stick with perenials Tats, at least they grow back every year, them and some tulips and daffodils and your garden will be blooming!
Reply:if you lke lavende you''ll like sage
Reply:Bulbs can be put in spring or fall. You don't say whay part of the country you live in ( what zone) but it's a little early for planting in most parts of the country. Get some cataloges for ideas. Burpees sell seeds, bulbs, live plants, etc. Or go to your local nursery.

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