Saturday, February 11, 2012

Prettiest and easiest flowers you have in your garden?

I have a 4 by 6 foot raised flower bed in my backyard that is currently flower-less and I imagine it just overflowing with colorful flowers during the spring! But I need some ideas on which flowers will survive out in a flower bed like that because there is no shade and they will get full sun and I am known as a flower killer because I tend to be forgetful. But I am willing to learn and make an effort. Please help! I want bright colors! lol

Prettiest and easiest flowers you have in your garden?
Hibiscus and hostas under close to them would more than fill your flower bed.Buy a variety of Hibiscus that is a perennial version..not the annual types.Comes in a varity of colors and so do hostas.Good luck!
Reply:It really depends on your climate zone.

Some of the easiest flowers that can thrive practically anywhere and are super easy are perennials! You buy bulk seeds and you can plant them anywhere that has full sun.

Places like Walmart and Target sell them in canisters, there are about 20,000 per canister but like I said they are not expensive. It sounds like your flower bed is the perfect spot for them-- as long as it gets full sun.

Remember, not all of the seeds will germinate (naturally) but just plant a bunch of them, keep them watered and they will grow in no time. Some won't flower right away but they have such lovely foliage. Others will flower right away and the various types and colors are so breathtaking. Soon you will see the ladybugs and butterflies and the garden will just explode with life!

You can research online how to take care of your perennials, it's really easy. The cool thing about the assorted seed mix is the variety you'll get.

Have fun and enjoy your garden! :)
Reply:I have some yellow coreopsis that do well in a very sunny spot.

Orange daylillies also do well. Peonies and poppies are good for spring bloom.
Reply:panseys, daisies, mums, impatients, begonias, these are all easy to maintain, colorful, and grow fast
Reply:Kind of depends on where you are in the country. For instance, out here in the cool Pacific Northwest, sunflowers tend to just sort of poke along -- while they take off like rockets in the midwest.

Tell us a bit more about where you are and we can make better suggestions.
Reply:well personally i like marigolds.they r easy 2 grow n dont take that much effort.they come in colours like yellow n orange.n there r various varieties.have fun gardening!

choosing loops

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