Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Plant's and frost does any body know..............?

I know the frost will end the spring flowers if not protected, but what about mums?

since they're a fall flower do they need coverd to keep their blooms in tact?

Plant's and frost does any body know..............?
I've always covered my mums when I knew there was a frost coming, I made the mistake of forgetting last year and yes, it did damage to my flowering mums! I will add that even though they wilted from the frost last year, they did come back this year and are as healthy as ever!
Reply:Most garden mums will withstand a light fall frost, but finding the right cultivars will provide the longest possible amount of pleasure.
Reply:chrysanthemums ....mums...they only bloom in the spring and fall

so many colors to choice from..and you dont have to cover them or cut them back for the winter just let them go
Reply:No, they ae frost resistant.
Reply:all mums are resiliant to the first few frosts

what they call garden mums (if planted in beds) are perrinials and will grow back every year with no problems(although they won't bloom until next fall)

for winter color look for red twig dogwood or rhododendron
Reply:Nope no need...
Reply:No, Mums do not need any protection from cold , they like it cool. If they are in the ground they may come back next year,but if they are in pots put them in your compost bin, as these would not survive the winter.
Reply:Ask my contact at the Master Gardeners Program, (of which i am a new student)...................egruhn@uiuc.e...

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