Saturday, February 11, 2012

How can I prevent deer from eating my tulips?

Every spring they chomp off the flowers of my tulips,leaving only the foliage.

How can I prevent deer from eating my tulips?
I've heard human hair.

I've used my own hair in my garden, and it seemed to work.

I just felt like a nut sprinkling hair all over my garden. But the shop where I got my hair cut said people come in and collect hair by the bagful for their gardens.

I just used my own hair.
Reply:Build a fence perhaps.
Reply:My sister-in-law "had" that problem. She has smaller plants. She went to garage sales and bought glass bowels and covered them. The deer can't get to them.
Reply:bow and arrow. and some grren tights and a pointy hat, then you can roast it on the fire with your friends and laugh at the sheriff of Nottingham and his useless army!
Reply:From what you described it is probably not deer. Deer would eat the green as well as the flower. In any case there are a number of repellents you can use. Some natural some synthetic. Your local animal control can tell you what to use for your specific problem. Be careful what you use if you have children and pets around.
Reply:Don't have Tulips plant daffodils instead
Reply:Check this website out! It has a lot of good ideas. It's from the University of California, Davis's website is the deer page

general page is
Reply:Leave the woods, and come and live in the city.
Reply:i have the same exact problem

every year i plant flowers, plants, veggies, and fruits,

and they eat it every year!!

i always find chomped strawberries and tomatoes all around my yard. i don't have a solution to it yet, but this freaky lady i know, she sits outside her yard like half the night and whenever she sees an animal coming to her plants, she sprays her hose at them! lol, she's so weird
Reply:Are you sure it's not a groundhog? I blamed the deer for years until I saw the groundhog doing it. I no longer have adeer problem but I do need to get rid of that rodent.
Reply:Alot of stores that stock garden supplies, also stock a product called deer away. It's in pellet form and spray form, you can use this. OR, try sprinkling mothballs or crystals in your garden. They don't like these either. you can also plant other plants they hate. But I would try the first two. I planted garlic between mine, and they don't care for it. Makes a nice plant.
Reply:When the deer, or any other critter for that matter, and I have a lot of them---start munching on things, I sprinkle them with red pepper. Seems to work pretty well, they leave them alone after the first few bites.

And yes, it is probably deer. They do love tulips! And morning glories, cucumbers, and my young mimosa tree that they chewed off. Grrr.
Reply:Well not sure where you live but go to your local sporting goods/hunter supply store and they have what is called scents ask for a predator scent like Coyote, Wolf, or Fox or if you have a dog or know someone who does have a dog have your or your friend's dog pee around your beds. If you spread a little of this around the edges of your flower beds the Deer will leave it alone.
Reply:shoot them! Free Sunday dinner yummy!


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