Wednesday, February 1, 2012

When spring is in the air does it remind you of God's love?

When the grass starts to green and the birds began to sing and all the flowers are growing, and the air is fresh and clean.

It reminds me of the newness of life when you are first born again, with all the joy.

Do others feel this way?

When spring is in the air does it remind you of God's love?
i am more aware of all the beautiful things that God has made.

snow is amazing but i love the warm breeze. it is nice to go outside on a warm day and look at everything that god has made. especially when i get to watch my children playing on their swing set and watching them enjoy the outside. i think how blessed i am.
Reply:reminds me of trout season...
Reply:yes, i'm reminded of the Great Mother's love. but i'm also reminded that i need to get some Benedryl....i swear, i sneeze enough to send the CEO's of that company to Hawaii every year!
Reply:Not at all.

As T.S. Eliot wrote in his poem, The Wasteland, April is the cruelest month.

APRIL is the cruelest month, breeding

Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing

Memory and desire, stirring

Dull roots with spring rain.

Here in Maine, Spring is mud and more stinking mud, then stinging black flies. The air smells like rotten eggs, and the melting snows reveal a miasma of detritus.

Spring is good only because it leads through summer to the bittersweet glory of Autumn, which I love. If it were possible to have one season without the others, Spring would be the absolutely last season I would choose.

On the other hand, here in Maine, Autumn is fragrant, emotional, piquant, nostalgic and utterly beautiful.

Of course even then I very much doubt God's love!

I really don't think the gardening forum is the place to talk about what a bone I have to pick with God, but no, and no again.

Spring, yuck. God...grrr.

Just my opinion since you asked!
Reply:Oh yes! It also reminds me of His Resurrection! (Alive again!)
Reply:yes, i find god's presence the strongest when i'm in nature, when i'm in a peaceful spot surrounded by all of his creation.
Reply:Absolutely. I find God in nature all the time!
Reply:ummm no
Reply:Oh yes it sure does, I was born in the spring and Hope That I die in the Spring, But had rather go in the rapture. as that has always been a dream of mine.IT is my favorite time of year other than Christmas. and that's a very sacred time for me. But Springtime is just beautiful, Yes like God's love.
Reply:It reminds me of "new beginnings"!
Reply:Yes. I feel hopeful.

Since we are quoting poetry, here's a sentimental old favorite:

A GARDEN is a lovesome thing, God wot!

Rose plot,

Fringed pool,

Fern'd grot—

The veriest school

Of peace; and yet the fool

Contends that God is not—

Not God! in gardens! when the eve is cool?

Nay, but I have a sign;

'Tis very sure God walks in mine.

Thomas Edward Brown. 1830–1897
Reply:Yes spring definately makes my heart sing a new song for God. Everything about spring is beautiful because our winters last too long.
Reply:I know what you mean and have often felt the same only nearer Summer, But now our Seasons are stirred up and not clearly defined, Such is the damage mans wickedness has done to the peace and harmony on earth and God the Father is in a rage at the destroyers and Deceivers Which our Lord Jesus is going to annihilate soon.
Reply:Err, I adore spring and the rebirth of nature ( which actually starts in winter time). But I call it mother nature. It's up to each of us to call it one way or another as long as we all respect nature. Yes, it is a powerfull feeling though.
Reply:You bet...I definitely feel that. I consider my garden my church.

For me, I receive constant affirmation of God's existence in nature. It's a wonderful feeling.
Reply:I'm reminded of God's love and awesome creativity in any season- including the winter snow on the mountains.

But I'm also reminded of His protection and care in everyday things- how He saved me money, kept people from stealing my dropped cell phone and my wallet, that I accidently left behind on a store counter, His answers to prayer, keeping me cool when verbally insulted, etc.

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