Monday, February 13, 2012

How many bulbs should I plant in 10 inch flower pots.?

I have 10 10 inch flower pots and want to plant spring bulbs Tulips, Daffodiles, etc to brighten up my deck. not sure how many bulbs per pot? Any suggestions I live in zone 5

How many bulbs should I plant in 10 inch flower pots.?
There;s really no rule on how many bulbs you can plant in a pot. Start by placing one bulb in the center of the pot. Then circle other bulbs around it. Create one more circle of bulbs around that circle. Leave about 1/2 inch between the bulbs.

I usually like to keep daffodiles in pots of their own and like to mix different colors of tulips together.
Reply:Your bulbs should just fit in the pot, and be about 1/4 to 1/2 inch away from each other. Plant the flat side of the tulips or daffodils toward the side of the pot, and then fill in the rest. If you look carefully at each bulb one side seems a bit flatter than the other. This side should face the pot. You also want the bulbs about 1/2 inch from the walls of the pot. You can get quite a few in a ten inch pot, though.
Reply:As many as you can get in with the bulbs barely touching. If you search google groups for the group rec.gardens, you'll find a pretty decent "bulb forcing faq" I wrote years ago, with information on planting, growing on, and cultivars suitable for forcing.

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