Monday, February 13, 2012

Why does my skin itch so much especially when iam fast asleep?

Over the last three months, my skin has been itching alot, most especially when iam asleep. Sometimes the itching even wakes me up from sleep and when i scratch, the itchy areas swell up like mosquito bites. After a few days, the swellings go down again. I feel perfectly fine except for this itching. Some times are worse than others. I thought i was reacting to something like food or insects or even flowers since it is spring in europe and it is my first time to experince spring in europe. Sometimes the itching almost totally disappears and my skin clears but then it starts itching again. What could it be?

Why does my skin itch so much especially when iam fast asleep?
You have hives.

First, since you have been suffering with urticaria (hives) for over 6 weeks, they are now considered chronic.. One reason the hives are occurring at night is because that is when our cortisol levels are at their lowest, and most chronic hivers find they are worst at night, and some even hive only at night.

Another problem which causes hiving to worsen at night is that people often have their bodies too warm, and heat is a known mast cell degranulator - mast cells are a special type of immune system cell which contain a bunch of different chemicals, including histamine, which is what causes hives and itching. When mast cells degranulate, they release those chemicals, and being too hot will cause that to happen. Try to sleep in a cool room with minimal covers, that may help.

Third, since you are getting the hives mainly on your chest and back, it is possible the hives are pressure-related. Just the act of lying in bed all night can bring on pressure hives.

Have you tried taking an antihistamine? For people with chronic urticaria, some antihistamines, such as Ketotifen or Zyrtec, seem to work better than others. And many of us are prescribed off-label dosing, higher than what is used for simple allergies. Plus adding an H2 antihistamine such as Zantac, Tagamet or Pepcid may give you better control of the hives. Some hivers also need a leukotriene blocker (Singulair, Accolate, Zyflo). Others find that adding a mast cell stabilizer (cromolyn, or Ketotifen, which is also an antihistamine) is very helpful. Approx. half of all chronic urticaria sufferers are autoimmune, and for them a course of Cyclosporine can force a remission.

There is a recipe at the website for a lotion you can make using cromolyn which soothes the itchies and calms the rash. And for even more suggestions and information about chronic hives, check out the urticaria support group at yahoo groups -

Your best bet is to see an allergist/immunologist; they have the most experience in dealing with chronic urticaria. They (usually) know what tests to run, what to rule out, and which meds to use based on what type of chronic urticaria you have.
Reply:it sounds like you`ve got bedbugs.These little creatures will inhabit the cleanest looking areas you could ever imagine including suitcases and drawers.

You must take the mattress outside into the sunlight, turning over every couple hours along with thumping it. wash the pillows and blankets in a hot wash with plenty of eucalyptus (if blankets are pure wool make the water cooler) then you need to spray all around and under the bed with the same spray , wipe all unsprayable surfaces with similar and thoroughly vacuuming everything you can (this sucks them up) make sure you empty the cleaner into a trash can asap or they`ll crawl out( they are tiny tiny)

If you are staying with a host and you are embarrased to try or suggest this then try this, just before you go to bed rub insect repellent, or lavender cream or vapour rub cream into the areas that they bite the most.The smell will repel them for a while.

Eat lots of fresh garlic, not as effective but can help, mind you your friends may disappear too..........

Another reason can be from cats and dogs which can carry tiny tiny itchy mite, the same rules apply plus wash the animal.

Keep your hands and fingernails hygienically clean as you itch anywhere bacteria from under them can make sores develop

Are you a diabetic? get tested
Reply:My sister had a similar problem, except I don't know about the hives part. She went through the doctor and was diagnosed with scabies, and went through the treatment for that.

She also was diagnosed with ringworm, and went through the treatment for that.

She still itches, and uses Lubriderm all the time.

I personally think she has a systemic yeast infection (candida), as that can do it too.

However, it can be an allergic reaction. If you consult a doctor, find one who does believe in systemic yeast infections, so he/she will do the proper tests to rule that out. Systemic yeast infections have been said to happen in 30% of adults.
Reply:Did You Change Your Laundry Soap?
Reply:Try putting lotion on before bed
Reply:could be bed bugs
Reply:try switching laundry detergents you could have a allerigic reaction to what you already use Or have you recently switched to another detergent! you may also try putting fresh sheets on your bed every couple days!! could be the bed bugs!!
Reply:Dry skin.

A great moisturizer for dry skin is Aveeno. It has no perfume in it.
Reply:how old are you, r u around 30, 40, 50, just turned?
Reply:bed bugs...get a new mattress or new cover sheets.
Reply:could be scabies.

scabies burrow under the skin and come out at night.

That is when you itch.

Very easy to diagnose just go to a dermatologist.

If that is what you have he/she will prescribed a topical cream

to apply.
Reply:It sounds like bed bugs or an allergy to some detergent you are using . If you recently stayed in a hotel , you may have brought bed bugs home;or, have you changed your laundry detergent lately? Use Gold Bond powder to stop the itching and see a doctor if it does not clear up. If it is bed bugs-get rid of the bed %26amp; bedding .
Reply:You might want to inspect your itchy areas and see if there are bites of any might have scabies or something..I know that sounds gross, but its a mite that burrows under your skin and lays eggs which causes itching..and it may itch more at night causce you aren't as active and more aware of other stimuli...'s a commono problem, most people just don't talk about it..or you could be allergive to something..have you started using a diff kind of detergent or anything....try moisturizing your skin..that might also do the trick..

If yousee that they look like bug bites..I would get to the doctor to get treated..
Reply:you are probably hot and when your'e hot you are hot you are gonna sweat and you get sweaty and sticky and you start to itch
Reply:More than likely you have a host of things going on at once.

You may be experiencing a reaction to food or foliage and it may be too that your skin is dry. Please drink plenty of water to hydrate yourself and your skin and try a cream for dry, chapped skin.

If you've exhausted all avenues of choice, please see a Dermatologist, as the Doctor will be able to guide you along further.

Have a lovely rest of the day.
Reply:could be you have bed bugs, i would try washing ur sheets every once in a while

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