Monday, February 13, 2012

What is the first thing you do when Spring is here?

Do you get busy with your flowers, garden,cleaning?

Edit: Please don't say catch a Spring cold.

What is the first thing you do when Spring is here?
Go fishin before the honeydews get too much into season.
Reply:I Wish i could enjoy spring like you. But unfortunately i cant, 'cause i live in India and we don't have spring here. I get to see it only in the movies. If i had to have spring season, i'd want to go about places and enjoy the beautiful senario around. Good for you. Enjoy. Report It
Reply:The snow is finally gone....... Almost! I went out in the back yard today and pooper scoopered 20 gallons of dog droppings. Got a big backyard. Big dog, too! Tomorrow I'll start picking things up. The dog carries lumber, logs, anything, around and scatters it all over the yard. I mean anything!

I have broken rider mower than no one wants to work on because it is so unusual. Has three wheels, and the single front wheel drives it. The farm store thsat sold it to me acts like it was never a part of the family. So grandson and I will take that on. Gotta get the rototiller running to be ready as soon as I get a dry spot in the weather. Never too early to get carrots, onions, and radishes in. Might do parsnips this year. Love them fried in butter. Got trees to trim before the buds start opening. Need gravel in both driveways. Gotta go get that. Could just get 17 ton delivered. Gotta decide on that. Got shrubs in front of the house that need trimming.....three years ago! Wantto take a hazel nut bush out permanently. Need to set a post and wrap it with carpet, or something for grandkids to start kicking to begin the fracturing and healing process in their lower legs for Tae Kwon Do. They can punch it too. Better use a 4x4. Plan on starting grandkids in Judo to supplement their Tae Kwon Do. Need to powerwash the house.....couple years ago! Got both garages that need cleaning and ordering. I'm probably forgetting something.

Couple more weeks, and I won't be bothering folks in here as much.
Reply:This spring I'm going to shovel a path to my grille. Still about 2 1/2 feet of snow on the ground today the 16th of March.

Reply:Open windows and start the cleaning , painting , and yard work . It's almost here !
Reply:Clean up all the dog poop in the back yard from 3 dogs that has accumulated over the winter months!! YUK!!

Anyone care to help? Thank goodness for pooper scoopers!
Reply:Clean my porch table, take my chairs out there, take something to read or for writing, a drink and an ashtray, and lavish in the happy warmth, listening to birds, watching lizards skitter.
Reply:I clean my windows and open them and open the doors. Put up all things winter.
Reply:Very first thing I do is leap and shout for joy. Then I get busy on cleaning and prepping the yard. That includes lawn, flowers beds, veggie garden, and spraying for weeds around the driveway and other areas. As well as making a list of spring and summer projects.
Reply:Spring Cleaning. Inside and out.
Reply:Start getting the pool ready .
Reply:Open all the windows and doors and start my cleaning.
Reply:The first thing I do is open up doors and windows to let some fresh air in, then I head outside and make a list of things I need to do. Right now, I have some yard work, deck cleaning and staining and concrete work to do to get the outside of the house looking good for spring. When that's done, I will drag all the outdoor furniture out of the basement.

As far north as I live, I cannot plant flowers until Mother's Day, but it will probably take me until then to accomplish all the other things I need to do.
Reply:Spend time in the garden, I got about 2hours yesterday

before the rain came down.

I planted some primroses in pots and today I can't stop

looking at them. -- they are so pretty
Reply:Open all the windows and let the house really air out!! Then start cleaning up the yard.
Reply:i love the smell of the air %26amp; i generally smile alot more !!
Reply:I throw open all the windows and breathe deeply. That moment of pleasure's out to the yard to pick up all the sticks and stuff that has accumilated over the winter. My daughter gets dog do do detail...this is the highlight of her life..LOL. I then take a tour of the yard to enjoy what's popping up in the flower beds. Hubby gets the tiller out and begins on the garden. He spent the few warm days we had last week getting our lawn mower ready. We are soooooo ready to get started.
Reply:My fav thing to do is check out the birds.

What I don't like is cleaning up the sticks and branches in the yard.
Reply:i start chopping ice on the walks around the house in the yard, and have buckets sitting under the drain spouts collecting water which i throw into the garden. we had such a dry spell last summer that I'm not wasting any water that would help out the garden, and of course, smell the wonderful fresh air. and then hang up the pastel Easter lights outside.
Reply:House cleaning, getting my decks ready for the patio furniture,calling the pool man to be one of the first on his list.
Reply:Buy Nasonex and Claritin.
Reply:i go for walkin outside and enjoy the spring air
Reply:Start thinking about the contents for my hanging baskets
Reply:Oprn up the windows in my house and let the warmer fresh air in , and the stale winter air out. Let the sunshine in.
Reply:Smile.....and hope for a better summer than the last :o)
Reply:i go running like the wind through the meadow where the fireflies dance. picking dafodils in the dark.
Reply:I thank God I am still here, then go fishing!
Reply:Open the windows to let the winter blahs out and the spring energy in.
Reply:This year it will be picking up all the sticks and limbs that have fallen in the past couple of weeks due to wind storms. Then I'll be cleaning out the flower beds so my pansies can spread out and get beautiful!!
Reply:Check my yard to see if any plants are poking through the mulch. I can't wait to garden each spring after a long winter.
Reply:I look for daffodils springing up in different areas. I also look in the stores for the Primrose displays, which the magnificent colors. I buy a few and put them into Pots on my Porch, right in front of the window where I can see them.

I also listen for the birds. They are starting to come back, which means Spring is nearly here.
Reply:Go in the garage and start looking for my riding lawn mower!

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