Saturday, February 11, 2012

What kind of tree is this?

I have a small tree maybe 5 years old. Its about 6-7 ft. tall. It does not get any flowers in the spring. The leaves are heart shaped. A pretty green color. I was told it was a Eastern redbud, but I have my doubts. Can any one help me???

What kind of tree is this?
If the leaves are small and go lovely autumn colours you may have a chinese tallow tree, Sapium sebiferum. If large leaves I would have thought maybe a redbud, but there are diffent varieties of Cercis and yours may not be the the variety that flowers heavily, my Cercis canadensis Forest Pansy has lovely heart shaped green/purple leaves but you really have to look hard to find flowers,
Reply:That webpage the other fellow referenced doesn't look like the eastern redbuds I've seen, although it could be a different variety than I'm used to. Another problem could be that there is often the same common name for several different plants!

Anywho, check this out, this is another photo of an eastern redbud with a close up of the heart shaped leaves. The westen redbud looks almost identical, only it has no point on the tip of the leaves. The eastern is much more commonly planted for landscape though...

If you want a better identification, I'd suggest two things!

1) You can post a photo on Yahoo Answers


2) You can take a bit of the plant to a decent nursery (not home depot or lowe's for example) and have someone there ID it. You'll probably get the best result this way.

Anywho, hope this helps in your plant identification adventures!
Reply:if it did flower it would be first thing in the spring before the leaves came on. without a pic it is hard to say but with the description you gave I would say thats what it is. here is a lnk to one

Others have suggested a photo. would help us figure it out. Also, it would help to know which USDA hardiness zone you're in, or where you live. Chinese Tallow Tree lives in the south of the country, but not around where I live. And we don't know if it's possible for either answer to be right, because you live somewhere else entirely.

Take each answer with a grain of salt, look up pictures, and compare them to your tree.

I live in USDA hardiness zone 5, here, we have a tree that is called Katsura Tree, the latin name is Cercidiphyllum japonicum. Cercidiphyllum refers to the leaves looking like that of Cercis (Eastern Redbud). This tree doesn't bloom, the leaf size tends to be smaller than redbud, and it has beautiful fall color in the leafs (Red/ Orange/ Yellow, depending on the tree).

I hope that this helps

Good luck-

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