Is It Time To Plant Flowers {in your area of the country?}?
Pansies are being planted here in the north part of Utah. I planted my radish and pea seeds just the other day. I mowed my backyard today too!! I love springtime - seeing the grass getting green, the apricot trees in bloom and all the beautiful tulips, crocus, daffodils, and forsythia blooming!
Reply:im in CT and still have several inchs of snow that Im waiting on to melt so I can get the prep work done in the garden. We dont expect to be planting til early -mid may.
Reply:I don't think anyone here in Connecticut is planting outside yet. We still hve some snow on the ground, but it is getting warmer,slowly. I love Spring when the flowers start to bloom and the trees start to bud. It's like a new beginning.
Reply:Alot of people are planting now, but I've been here (kansas) a long time. I usually wait til the end of April, because there's almost always a frost between now %26amp; then. Can't wait to get out there.
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