Monday, January 30, 2012

Blackberry bush not producing any flowers yet?

They were planted last spring, I think that they're Black Satin (thornless variety). They had very few berries last year. I read up on not planting them in the same bed as tomatoes/peppers as they're suseptable to fungus from tomatoes/peppers etc...I haven't been able to find if planting them in the same plot can also cause a berry bush not to have berries? No flower blossoms on it as of yet. We're located in Ontario, Canada.

Blackberry bush not producing any flowers yet?
I live in the mountains of California and my thornless blackberries begin blooming in mid-June. As one other alluded to--you have two types of canes. The canes are biennial--they grow canes the first year-primocanes, and produce fruit the following year--floricanes (they had flowers-then fruit). If you cut back the floricanes by pruning, you won't have fruit this year. Black Satin is a mid-season trailing cultivar--which is semi-erect as well as hardy and vigorous.

For a great website on blackberries, why don't you try: Good luck!
Reply:Most varieties of blackberries produce flowers and fruit on last year's growth. If last year's canes were killed over the winter or prunes off, you won't get any berries this year. The new growth of this year will make berries next year and should be protected over the winter. If the plants look healthy otherwise, this might be the problem.
Reply:I live in the southern USA, and don't know if the reason for *our* lack of blackberries is the same as yours.....BUT:

We had a very late freeze this year, after the blackberries were already in bloom. The freeze apparently killed the blooms, because we got practically *no* berries this year. Last year I had a bumper crop and gave many away.
Reply:Give them a couple of more weeks,it is early.Mine flower in early June and produce fruit in July and august.I am in Michigan.

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